Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Why aren't you here?

Yeah, why aren't you here?

And for those of you who missed the Pete Kartsounes fundraiser for Camp Wapiyapi, you can still make a donation through http://www.hikeforcancer.org/ . We had a call from a Grand Junction mom who's child is a six year survivor and has gone to Camp Wapiyapi for the last 8 years, thanks to all of you who turned out for the concert, you have really made a difference in that family's life and have helped many more!
Here's a pic from the concert:

Pete Kartsounes www.petekmusic.com
Pete's goal is to raise enough money to add at least two more weeks of camp to the Camp Wapiyapi schedule. He said there is a great need for additional weeks in general and especially for the addition of a few weeks for non-english speaking Hispanic families.

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